Saturday, November 7, 2009

Ode to Costco

Twas just months before Christmas
& all through the store
folks made their purchases
for milk, plus a lot more.

The shoppers all moved
over here, over there
Bumping or stopping
without much a care.

The people they stopped
for a nibble or two
forming lines in the aisles
much like a queue

Down one quiet aisle
I made my escape,
still wandering I wondered,
"how much more could I take?"

When what to my
tired ears should I hear
a familiar tune
to drive away fear.

Standing beyond me
just a little way down
I stopped, amazed
to hear such a sound.

The melody lingered
being played with ease
a bit of Schroeder
tinkling the keys.

Now shopper
Now taster
Now buyer
of things
Of groceries &
cash registers

To the end
of the line-ups,
to the end
of the queue
Doing what everyone
else must do.

So into the line-up
I enter with dread
vowing, "never again"
I say in my head.


Anonymous said...

Hi, thought I had mistakenly got rid of this "Where She Lives" and now I find it.... ha! :)

C. Allyn said...

Hi and welcome back.
I have been somewhat negligent in my writings. Perhaps not so imspired but a single trip to Costco tweeked something inside of me.